Tuesday, September 23, 2008

Your Child's Self-esteem

"The best chance the child has of securing a level of high self-esteem is to have parents who possess it, model it, and want to instill it in their children." - Bettie Youngs

Modeling good self-esteem is one of the most important things that parents can do for their children. Children learn more from who we are than what we say to them. Self-esteem is an internal resource that enables your children to meet the challenges they face. Without healthy self-esteem, children are less able to benefit from their native intelligence or athletic skills.

1 comment:

Paul said...

True enough - monkey see, monkey do. So if as a parent you want to model healthy self esteem but you have none, what do you do, where do you go? I've found that dealing with low self esteem isn't that difficult. Our minds are not set like cement they CAN be changed.